Associate Professor of Sociology at Kenyon College

I encourage students to understand sociology through the fabric of their day to day experiences; the patterns of thought, behavior, and emotion that emerge from and construct their social interactions; and the institutions that structure these experiences into a shared social reality. We work together as a community of learners to form critical sociological imaginations. This process encourages a nuanced understanding of both structure and agency as we identify the empowering and constraining effects of social processes for diverse social actors.

Check out Professor Johnson’s faculty page here.

Regular Course Offerings

Institutions & Inequalities

Methods of Social Research

Sociology of Sexualities

Sociology of Health and Illness

Sociological Social Psychology

Du Boisian Sociology

Community Based Methods

Queer Methods of Social Research

Queer Social Theory

Transgender Sociology

Health, Identities, & Inequalities

Illustration by Alex Gilkey

Illustration by Alex Gilkey